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Adding ATG to PTCy: the next step?

Chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) is the major factor limiting quality of life for allogeneic transplant recipients who have

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Can we change the dismal future of relapsed AML patients?

While acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients have a chance for long-term remission and cure, some of them will not attain

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ITP in children and adults: not so different after all.

Around 80% of children with ITP are disease-free within 1 year; a watch and wait strategy is considered standard for

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How I treat multiple myeloma when resources are scarce.

dexamethasone and adriamycin. Results were bad, the median survival was around two years. In the 1990s something good happened; thalidomide

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The changing landscape of mantle cell lymphoma.

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a B-cell malignancy with an inferior prognosis in comparison to other lymphomas. Most patients present

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Developing Hematology is a blog written for medical professionals who practice clinical hematology in developing countries We aim to offer

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