
By: Andres Gomez-De Leon
Date: 26/03/2018

Developing Hematology is a blog written for medical professionals who practice clinical hematology in developing countries

We aim to offer a practical insight, from the perspective of scientists working in low to middle-income countries, where most of the population of the entire world are actually living in.

Free from the shackles of formality which limit our written word to rigid scientific language in peer reviewed medical journals, this space offers sincere opinions from a variety of editorialists on current clinical hematology research.

With a focus on issues regarding resource optimization, diagnostic strategies and treatment availability, Developing Hematology hopes to become a useful reference for all professionals working in a restricted environment.


Andres Gomez-De Leon

BMT fellow, DH editor. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Facultad de medicina y Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González" Monterrey, Mexico. Contact: drgomezdeleon@gmail.com

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